Thank you for your interest in joining us as a member of Cornerstone Church!
As the epicenter of God’s work on the Earth, the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most important institution in this dark and sinful world. Gathered together, a local assembly of saints, committed to Christ and committed to one another, we stand unified together in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. When every other institution of human origin ultimately fails, it is the church of our Lord Jesus Christ that prevails.
Let me encourage you that pursuing church membership is honoring to the Lord. A simple reading of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, for example, would lead us to the clear conviction that being involved as a committed and serving member of a local church is a normal and necessary part of the Christian life. The local church is where you employ the gifts the Lord has given you to serve, love, and edify the body. The local church is where others will employ their God-given gifts to serve, love, and edify you. The local church is a means by which God will sanctify you, mature you, grow you, correct you, encourage you, bless you, strengthen you, and preserve you. The local church is the base from which the Lord will send you into His harvest field to seek and to save that which is lost.
Jesus Christ loves the Church and shed His own blood to redeem her. As Christians, we too will love the church that He gave His life for. Therefore, continue your pursuit of membership! Link arms with your brothers and sisters at Cornerstone to faithfully serve the Lord and love one another. “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).
It would be a JOY to have you with us!