Cornerstone Member Care

Thank you for taking time to complete this questionnaire.

Paul’s primary concern in his letter to Titus is to explain how Christians should live as faithful followers of Jesus Christ in the midst of a culture that was steeped in immorality.  The Cretans had a terrible reputation (1:12) and Paul was rightly concerned that the bad cultural company was corrupting good morals among professing Christians in the church.  Now, as then, there are forces constantly at work to conform us into the patterns of this evil age (Romans 12:2).

Therefore, to help the Christians in Crete to live as Christians in Crete, Paul commissions Titus to establish order in the churches.  The first task associated with that commission is to appoint elders (1:5).  Among the many responsibilities of an elder in the Lord’s church, he is to “shepherd” the growth, maturity, and preservation of God’s people.  Paul warns the elders at Ephesus, “take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28).

Cornerstone Member Care is one means by which the shepherds appointed for the care and feeding of this flock may come alongside you as those who must give account (Hebrews 13:17).  It is also a means by which you, as a member of our church, may help them know how best to minister to you and the needs of our church.  Our hope is that they may do so with joy and that the Lord would bless their efforts among us for our good and His glory.

The Questionnaire

The following questions are intended to direct the Member Care conversation that you will have with one of our elders or pastoral interns.  They alone will have access to your responses prior to your conversation.  Please remember that your pastors want to come alongside you to help you grow and mature in the faith. This process will only fully benefit you if you are honest and transparent in the way that you answer these questions.

The questions are grouped in five categories:

  • Personal
  • Interpersonal
  • Marriage & Family
  • Vocation
  • Church



Marriage & Family



Thank you!

In conclusion...

When you click "submit," this form will be forwarded to Pastor Marc and Pastor Dale alone.